
Tuesday 28 February 2012

Photo of the Day – Tuesday 28th February 2012

On my strenuous, 4 minute walk into work today, I came across a lady trying to push an enormous, old school Land Rover down a busy road. For some reason she was pushing the car whilst her husband was sat inside, steering it! (Who said chivalry was dead?) Being the good Samaritan I am (ha ha ha evil laugh) I gave her a hand, and then another passerby joined in too. Between the three of us we managed to push the car to safety.

Feeling chuffed with myself for doing a good deed, I then rather sadly realised that this was probably going to be the most exciting event of my day and I had forgotten to photograph it! So, at lunchtime I went for a walk with the boys from work and got one of them to take a photo of me next to a Land Rover that looked similar to the one I rescued this morning.

So there you have it – Tuesday, done and dusted!


  1. It took a while!!!! Especially as I wanted an old school style one. I think the photo of Suze swinging from the vines would've been better though :)

  2. Editorial amend required:

    From: So, at lunchtime I went for a walk with the boys from work and got one of them to take a photo of me

    To: So, at lunchtime I went for a walk with the boys from work and the fit handsome one took a photo of me

  3. So, at lunchtime I went for a walk with the boys from work and the one with the thinning hair took a photo of me

  4. Is your blog on US time? p.s. Stupid Beardy!

  5. I think it might be but have no idea how to change it if so!
